

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine Rememberances

Valentines Day is here. And who is more special and dear to one’s heart but our children.
Days pass by slowly and it appears that life is moving gradually. And then on a moment of reflection I realize just how fast the years have gone by. From babies to toddlers, first day of school to wanting to be on facebook…… all flashing by before my eyes. 

These golden days are going by -  way too fast....
Of shrieks of laughter
running and playing,
of smudges on the cheeks
and tear-filled sleepy eyes.
And the smiles and kisses.

Of stories before bedtime
make belief worlds,
of stamping of feet
and tuneless melodies.
And notes below the doors.
Of first days to school
exultations in the holidays,
of watching movies together
and holding hands tightly.
And hugging and never letting go.
Days that seem that would go on forever
have gone away too soon,
Now but memories of old
Fixed in photo albums.
And set in gold within my heart.

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